Have you ever wondered how universe began?

How to define the universe?
The universe is vast space beyond our imagination. This space contains everything from the tiniest subatomic particles to galactic superstructures.It is estimated that the universe contains 100 billions galaxies each of which contains 100 billions stars.The Universe probably come in existence about 13.8 billion years ago.

Most astronomers believed that the universe began 13.8 billion years ago on an immense  explosion called the Big bang.The big bang theory is the cosmological model of observable universe from the earliest known period. This model describes how the universe expanded from the initial state of very high density and temperature and offers a  comprehensive explanation for a broad range of light elements ,cosmic microwave background radiaton (CMB) ,large scale structure and Hubbles law -the farther away the galaxies are the faster they are moving away from us.

Observational  evidence :

The earliest and most direct observational evidence of this theory are the expansion of the universe according to hubbles law ,discovery and measurement of cosmic microwave background radiation and relative abundance of light elements produced by Big Bang nucleosynthesis.
-----> In 1929,by the analysis of red shift from many distant galaxies  astronomer Edwin hubble observed  that distinct galaxies are moving away from us, this means they must be closer together in the past. He discovered that universe is expanding continously and proposed a law  according to which galaxies appears to be moving away from us at speed proportional to their distance .This is called 'Hubble law'.
----->The Big bang theory predicts that the early universe was very hot and as it expand ,the gas within it cools .Thus the universe should be filled with radiation that is literally the remnant heat left over from the Big bang called the cosmic microwave background radiation CMB .Evidence of CMB was first observed in 1965 by radio astronomer  Arno penzias and Robert Wilson.  CMB is the oldest electromagnetic radiation in the universe. CMB  detection ,the radiation left over from the birth of the universe ,provides the strongest evidence of big bang.

----> Abundance of light elements like hydrogen,deuterium(isotope of hydrogen) and helium in present universe  supports  the Big bang theory.

Ultimate fate of the universe :
Before the observation of dark energy and matter(the non luminous matter distributed throughout the universe that cannot be directly detected by observing any form of electromagnetic radiation but whose existence is suggested by gravitational effects on the visible matter) ,Astronomer predicted three scenario for the future of the universe .

a. If the average density of present universe is less than critical density  (it is a particular density needed just to halt the expansion of the universe ) , then the universe is open I.e expanding forever.(I.e big freeze ).

b.If average density of the universe is greater than critical density then the universe should eventually stop expanding and begin to contract (I.e big crunch ) and universe is close.

c.If average density of the universe is equal to critical density then the universe continue to expand indefinitely but at slower rate I.e the universe is flat.

But after the astronomer have known the existence of the dark (mysterious )matter that makes up 24%and energy 70% of the entire universe,  the prediction of the fate of the universe is still vague and may entirely depends on the amount of the dark energy in the future. Severals scenario are possible depending on the properties of dark energy one is the the universe will end in so called The Big rip (is a hypothetical cosmological model ,in which the matter of the universe,from stars and galaxies to atoms and subatomic particles, even spacetime itself, is progressively torn apart by the expansion of the universe at a cretain point in future) .

Besides all these evidence of formation of the observable universe. A question hits me in my mind that what came before big bang? Who created this universe?  If god created all of this ,then question is merely been deflected to who made God?
What is the fate of our universe? Does universe has end?what did you think???




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