STORY PART (2): FATE OF OUR SOIL TOWARD SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE . day, a daughter of the farmer come her village after completing her degree . By seeing her village condition she is shocked , green and beautiful village turn into dry . she visited different land in village , study , survey and conclude that this all problem is due to over consumption of market fertilizer and pesticides.

Lets continue............

Here, second part of story

She do a lot of research ,gaining more information from expert,visited many place to know , how they tackle with this problem there.After getting sufficient knowledge now its time to implement in her village.All her ideas to solve this problem is in her mind but she doesnot know how to implement this on field,how farmer react on her idea wheather they believe or not because farmer are totally dependent on market fertilizer .

To change other thinking ,first change from yourself , so she decided to use organic compost, natural fertilizer, in her own land . she added different form of organic compost and different source.first she grow many natural fertilizer plant in her land to enhance soil fertility.She categories most useful plant nutrient and they are , Nitrogen , phosphorous, and potassium.

In term of chemical fertilizer ,urea as a source  of nitrogen is highly used by farmer and most important factor to degrade the soil quality. so she decided to cutoff massive use of urea. To reduce over utilization alternative source of nitrogen is needed. she consult with many expert related to this field to find out the alternative solution.

In this step of finding solution she knows that every sector expert is needed  to find the proper solution not only one sector is able to cutoff this problem alone and she find giving importance to only one area expert and neglecting other sector is also one of the  main problem.

 She found the alternative and easy method to overcome with the application of urea. she come up with a water plant name Azolla which is able to produce tons of nitrogen .

paddy farming is most important farming of this village . when paddy farming season come then she used Azolla as a source  of nitrogen .for example . when we take strong medicine during simple unhealthy condition repeatedly , then at a point the same dose cannot work on same body ,and suddenly if we stop taking that medicine and use natural remedies to enhance our immune system then it take a time,all this doesnot repair in a sec. Like this our soil also need time to repair. so in the initial year production rate of paddy is low but year by year production rate increased . During the scarcity of chemical fertilizer she doesnot have to face loss. 

By seeing this villagers also wants to use Azolla in their field .And lower the use of market fertilizer and they know that they have to treat there soil in a proper way. Getting benefited from long term is most satisfying than over benefited in one time . 

She think that this is only the initiation toward sustainability. This is not a end .This is only a simple step toward caring our soil . We all knows that in every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. if you donot care about your soil , then soil also donot care about you and your future . 

This is only shortlisted alternative source of fertilizer which helps to make soil happy and this type of fertilizer is available in our local level also. But, only this type of things is not possible to completely cutoff the use of such market fertilizer. This is only  one example in wetland paddy farming , what in case of other farming, then the word come " Biofertilizer ". but for the development of this collaboration of each sector should needed . 

whats your opinion ?.................................


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